Posts tagged astronomy

Lightning talk at PyDayBCN2022

During the PyDayBCN2022 event, I gave a lightning talk to illustrate the possible uses that Astropy can have in other fields. I finally decided to place the talk as a post entry to learn how to integrate slides into a web page using the Jupyter nbconvert tool.

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Time scales and leap second

After a time of silence, I come back to this blog to explain one of the most fundamental concepts with completely different visions between astronomers and engineers: the time. One might think that measuring time is a simple thing, you only have to keep adding seconds and everything is solved. If that was the case, why last December 31, 2016, had an extra second? In this post, I explain some of the existing time scales and one of the more deeply disconcerting time concepts: the leap second.

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What is a support astronomer?

If you came to this page by chance, you might be wondering what the hell is a support astronomer. In the very first post of this new blog, I give you all the details.

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